Embark on an incredible journey with us at The Cole Kids Academy!

We are thrilled to invite applications for our dynamic The Cole Kids Academy.

Follow our straightforward admission process detailed below:

  • Enrollment:

Start your enrollment journey with The Cole Kids Academy by filling out our Online Enrollment Form , accessible on our official website.This crucial first step allows us to form a preliminary connection with you and gain insight into your child’s unique interests and needs. Completing the form is more than just a procedural task; it’s your entry into a community that values personalized learning experiences and the development of each child’s potential. By providing us with detailed information about your learner, you enable us to tailor our approach to meet their specific educational and developmental goals from the very beginning.

  • Personal Statement:

Every learner brings a distinctive narrative, woven with instances of growth, challenges conquered, and personal victories. In our enrollment process, we extend an invitation to parents and guardians to compose a personal statement that captures these exceptional experiences. We also encourage you to convey your wishes and aspirations for your learner’s journey.

  • Secure Their Place:

After we receive your personal statement and the completed Enrollment Form for The Cole Kids Academy (TCKA), we’ll invite you to a ‘get-to-know-you session,’ which can be held online or in person, at your convenience. This session is an essential part of our admissions process, allowing us a more profound insight into your child’s unique characteristics and educational requirements. It also offers you a chance to better understand our academy’s values, curriculum, and the engaging community your child will be part of. Following this meeting, the final steps include payment of the enrollment fee, adventure gear fee, and the first month’s membership fee to secure your child’s place, with these fees being due only after the entire admissions process is concluded.

At the heart of The Cole Kids Academy lies the perfect blend of guided education and boundless fun. Let your child’s adventure begin—or continue— with us, where every day unfolds as a new chapter filled with exploration and discovery!